Cost £799
Basic CBT Theory
CBT Assessment and Formulation
Collaborative working: starting sessions
Goal Setting
Behavioural Experiments
Socratic Method
Using imagery and behavioural experiments to enhance CB for panic disorder and agoraphobia
CBT for obsessive compulsive disorder
Mental imagery and formulation in cognitive therapy
Working with core beliefs
Enhanced reliving in PTSD
Enhancing self-esteem
Compassionate mind
Topic: Introduction to goal setting: The purpose of this module is to highlight the importance of goal setting in CBT, and to introduce some of the key principles and practices of goal setting. In particular, the focus is on: the value of goal setting; setting goals which will be useful; key questions in goal setting; other key techniques (e.g. imagery) which facilitate goal setting. The presentation features a role-play with a depressed client where some of the key questions and techniques are ... READ MORE
Topic: These presentations guide the therapist through the stages of CBT for panic and agoraphobia. Role plays and lecture are used to show how to draw out a collaborative formulation, socialise the patient to the cognitive model, design effective behavioural experiments, and use imagery techniques to work with upsetting memories and images. Presenter: Ann Hackman - particularly known for her pioneering research, writing and teaching on the role of imagery and memory in the anxiety disorders... READ MORE
Topic: Sometimes, in CBT, the therapist needs to move beyond automatic cognitions to fundamental beliefs. This workshop gives guidance on when this is appropriate and how to elicit core beliefs in ways that are sensitive to the client’s needs and personal resources. It then describes three key techniques for working with them: continuum work, a powerful strategy for combating the extreme quality of problem core beliefs; positive data logs which are helpful in constructing more adaptive beliefs... READ MORE
Topic: An introduction to behaviour experiments: This presentation provides an overview of Behavioural Experiments. In particular: Understanding the rationale for behavioural experiments Understanding their theoretical base Providing a framework and typology for behavioural experiments to enable clinicians to consider different types of behavioural experiment, and devise an experiment appropriate to the particular circumstance. Behaviour experiments in depression: In Part ... READ MORE