BABCP Accreditation


Do you need help to become accredited with the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)? 

If you are seeking answers to specific questions about BABCP accreditation requirements or process, please consult the website for BABCP Contact Accreditation.

The BABCP offer three different types of accreditations:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist Accreditation
  • CBT Supervisor Accreditation
  • CBT Trainer Accreditation

N.B. to become accredited as a Supervisor and /or Trainer of CBT with BABCP you must first become accredited as a practitioner of CBT.

Most NHS Mental Health Trusts and private providers of psychological therapies require clinicians offering CBT to clients to be accredited with the BABCP as a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist. Whilst this is not mandatory it is considered a benchmark for good practice and provides a framework for engagement in CBT-specific clinical supervision and continuing professional development.

There are two routes to accreditation as a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist:   

  • Via a core profession (clinical psychology, Counselling, mental health nursing, psychiatry, General Practice, Social Work, Occupational Therapy). This means the applicant has already completed a professional training and this training has equipped them with the necessary generic skills, attitudes and values to practice in the field of mental health.
  • Via Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA). This means the applicant has not completed a core professional training but through a non-traditional route has gained knowledge, skills and attitudes which form an appropriate foundation for pursuing training and accreditation as a Practitioner of CBT.

OCTC offers the following services to assist those applying for BABCP accreditation as a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist to meet the Minimum Training Standards (MTS):

  • CBT workshops to help meet the requirement for the number of CBT training hours on CBT theory and clinical skills.
  • Clinical supervision with a BABCP accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, including the signing of your supervision log and provision of a written supervision reference.
  • Rating therapy recordings using a recognised CBT therapy assessment scale (i.e., ACCS or CTS-R) to help meet the requirement for ‘closely supervised cases’.
  • Marking case studies against OCTC/University of Oxford case study guidelines which are used to assess students undertaking the OCTC Postgraduate Diploma in CBT, accredited at level 1 with the BABCP (see below for more details).
  • Supervision of supervisory practice for those seeking accreditation/reaccreditation as CBT Supervisor and/or trainer.

Fees on request

Discounted fees are available to alumni of our post-graduate courses, and those working within the NHS.

To access any of the above services please provide:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • The specific area with which you are seeking assistance.


Case Reports Marking

At OCTC, we are experienced in providing both summative and formative evaluations, having been evaluating case reports for the academic courses we deliver in collaboration with the University of Oxford for over 25 years.

We offer a case report marking service with detailed formative feedback in addition to an overall rating and tailor it to your choice of:

Fee: £260* (maximum number of words: 4,000)

*Discounted rate of £230 per case for our PG course alumni and for those within the NHS.

To access this service please provide:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Title of case report
  • Word count
  • Criteria to be used
  • Date of case submission
  • Date for marking completion