5th OCTC Congress – 9th September 2016

Outside the box, but true to our roots:

maintaining cbt fidelity in an ever demanding world

Melanie Fennell

Gillian Butler


Celebrating 25 years of cbt excellence

Nick Grey

Helen Kennerley


OCTC team


Carla Swan


Bea Vickers, Anne Stewart, Helen Kennerley

octc’s nordic colleagues/associates

Sjofn Evertsdottir, Margrét Birna Þórarinsdóttir, Anna Tornquist, David Slingo


octc 2014-15 prize giving

Sarah Rakovshik and Helen Kennerley


Sarah Rakovshik presenting the Melanie Fennell 14-15 prize to Gayle Straw


Sarah Rakovshik presenting the David Westbrook 14-15 prize to Hannah Murray


Sarah Corrie

Anne Stewart